Endless-Online: The Endless Report

Endless-Online Guides: Pillaged from the now defunct WholeLottaEndless site. (props to Glycerine)

Item Location Stats Buy Price Sell Price

Blue Magical Hat
Witch ----- 300g -----

Black Magical Hat
Witch ----- 300g -----

Purple Magical Hat
Witch ----- 300g -----

Blue Enchanted Hat
Witch ----- 800g -----

Black Enchanted Hat
Witch ----- 800g -----

Purple Enchanted Hat
Witch ----- 800g -----

Aeven Hat Maker ----- 100g 10g

Purple Scarf
Aeven Hat Maker ----- 50g 5g

Red Scarf
Aeven Hat Maker ----- 50g 5g

Black Scarf
Aeven Hat Maker ----- 50g 5g

Dragon Mask
Beatle drop ----- ----- -----

Black Hood
Aeven Hat Maker ----- 140g 10g

Brown Hood
Aeven Hat Maker ----- 140g 10g

Blue Hood
Aeven Hat Maker ----- 140g 10g

Green Hood
Aeven Hat Maker ----- 140g 10g

Red Hood
Aeven Hat Maker ----- 140g 10g

Chainmail Hat
Centaur Hat Maker ----- 250g 50g

Fairy Hat
Centaur Hat Maker ----- 350g 60g

Mystic Hat
Centaur Hat Maker ----- 600g 80g

Samurai Hat
Centaur Hat Maker ----- 600g 80g

Horned Hat
Centaur Hat Maker ----- 500g 70g

Merchant Hat
Centaur Hat Maker
Aeven Hat Maker
----- 200g

White Sumurai
Admin only ----- ----- -----

Craft at Witch ----- ----- -----

Xmas Hat
Buy from Xmas Shop in December ----- 2g -----

Eloffe Helmet
Ice Shop ----- 500g 50g

Air Hat
Birdman Captain drop Accuracy: 2 ----- -----

Frog Head
Blue Bullfrog drop
Red Bullfrog drop
Green Bullfrog drop
Damage: 1-1
Accuracy: 5
----- -----

Pilotte (Lore)
Craft at Marble Shop ----- ----- -----

Centaur Hat Maker 10 TP 1,000g 100g

Pirate Hat (Lore)
Craft at Marble Shop ----- ----- -----

Lotus Helmet
Craft at Marble Shop ----- ----- -----

Kitty Hat
Hula Shop ----- 25,000g 10,000g

Hula Hula Hat
Hula Shop ----- 25,000g 10,000g

Elegant Hat
Craft at Rauchel at Snails ----- ----- -----

Gob Helm
Swamp Goblin drop ----- ----- -----

Horned Gob Helm
Swamp Goblin drop ----- ----- -----

Aeven Hat Maker
Centaur Hat Maker
----- 1,400g 140g

Golden Crown
King drop ----- ----- -----

Helmet of Darkness
Banshi Drop Damage: 1-1
Accuracy: 5
----- -----

Hat of Wonders (Lore)
Dark Magician drop ----- ----- -----

Flad Hat
Centaur Hat Maker ----- 1,200g 400g

Cook Hat
??? ??? ??? ???